Mario is 9 years old, he lives in the Pampaccalasaya community, he was part of a group of 183 children who attended a camp in the Pataccalasaya community.
He manifests very surprised and excited: “… I thought that a camp was only games but it was not like that. I learned a lot about God, I enjoyed the games, I was aware that even as a child I am a sinner and I can be separated from God, I did not sleep because of this fact and I decided to ask my teacher how I could be close to God “, he told me” wait a little today you will know the answer “, I looked forward to, the answer was that Jesus Christ is my savior and for him I can go to the Father, I was surprised how Jesus suffered so much and died for me. The teacher asked who wants to accept Christ as their savior to To always be close to God, I ran and said my prayer, when I prayed I felt very strange, I felt a loving hug that made me cry, I met my savior and I knew that it is real.